Principal Petitioner:
Julius Daguman
Draws to the attention of the House:
In February 2023, 14-year-old Jocelyn Daguman tragically died on a rural property as a result of a Quad Bike / All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) accident.
Since 2020, more than 20 people have lost their lives due to quad bikes in Tasmania.
Since 2001, over 270 Australians have died in quad bike related incidents. Quads are now the leading cause of non-intentional injury death on Australian farms. On average, 1400 people are seriously injured in quad bike accidents in Australia each year.
Coroner Simon Cooper investigated seven quad bike deaths in 2017. The 2024 investigation by Coroner Robert Webster into Jocelyn Daguman's death highlighted a number of recommendations that have still not been implemented from the 2017 Coroner's report.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call on the Government to implement the recommendations by introducing legislation that:
a) requires mandatory training and licensing of all persons using quad bikes;
b) prohibits children under the age of 16 from operating adult size quad bikes;
c) prohibits children under the age of 16 from operating "youth size" quad bikes other than in accordance with what is specified by the manufacturers to be the appropriate minimum age for such vehicle; and
d) prohibits children under the age of 6 from operating any quad bike in any circumstances whatsoever.
Further, that such legislative reform, and community education, ensure that quad bike users wear helmets, and only be operated in accordance with the operator's manual, particularly to ensure the wearing of seatbelts and the use of cage nets and/or doors.