Principal Petitioner:
Mark Wild
Dogs Homes of Tasmania
Risdon Vale
Sponsor: Hon Cassy O'Connor MLC
Posting Date: 12/12/2024
Closing Date: 31/3/2025
Draws to the attention of the House:
1. On 10 December 2024, the Aotearoa/New Zealand conservative government announced a ban on greyhound racing, effective - after a period of transition - from July 2026. The responsible government minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters, stated the ban is due to the "unacceptably high" rates of injuries and deaths among the dogs;
2. The evidence of high rates of injury and deaths of racing greyhounds in Tasmania is also unacceptable;
3. Public polling undertaken by EMRS demonstrates strong public support for a ban on greyhound racing in Tasmania, with only 11% of those polled in support of the industry; and
4. The Tasracing 23-24 Annual Report confirms the greyhound racing industry is in decline, with wagering down and Tasracing operating at a $1.2million loss despite its $37million public subsidy.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the Legislative Council to:
Call on the Rockliff Government to do what is right and demonstrate the same humane leadership as that shown in Aotearoa New Zealand and move to end greyhound racing, with a just transition period and support for industry participants, as well as funding for not-for-profit local animal welfare organisations to rehome ex-racing dogs.