Principal Petitioner:
Kimberley Mendonca
27 Sunset Drive
Garden Island Creek
Tasmania 7112
Sponsor: Hon Dr Bastian Seidel MLC
Posting Date: 9/11/2020
Closing Date: 16/11/2020
Tabled Date: 17/11/2020
Responded Minister: Hon R. Jaensch MP on 23/3/2021
Your petitioners draws to the attention of the House:
· Foreshore erosion issues, due to sea level rise, currently affecting the residents of and visitors to Garden Island Creek and Garden Island Sands
· The foreshore is eroding at a rapid rate. The banks have destabilised causing many large trees to fall into the water, creating hazardous debris. The boat ramp, which was damaged by sea level rise and storm activity, was recently removed, leaving beach access in an unsafe condition, and not permitting access by children, the elderly or people with a disability.
· Domestic septic systems are becoming closer to the receding shoreline and may soon pose a threat to human health and the environment if erosion control measures are not enacted.
· The report by SGS Economics and Planning 2015, Garden Island Creek Coastal Adaptation Pathways, Final Report to Huon Valley Council and the Tasmanian Climate Change Office, outlined how the lowest cost pathway of coastal adaptation for this community was to 'Protect existing development for as long as possible while protecting natural values'
· To date, no measures have been taken, erosion has proceeded and is now considerably worse than when the above report was written.
Your petitioners, therefore, Call on the government to; Make funds available to begin a strategic approach to prevent beach erosion as has been discussed in previous reports. As well as restoring safe beach access, the boat ramp, addressing fire safety concerns and implementing beach nourishment measures, to restore a community space that has been enjoyed for generations.