Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Residents of Tasmania
Principal Petitioner:
Julie Fletcher 10 Charles Street Strahan 7468
Sponsor: Hon Ruth Forrest MLC
Posting Date: 16/1/2020
Closing Date: 28/1/2020
Tabled Date: 17/5/2020
Responded Minister: Hon Sarah Courtney MP on 24/9/2020
40 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the President and Members of the Legislative Council (Tasmania)
Your Petitioners - Residents of Strahan and citizens of Tasmania - are extremely concerned that -
1. With little notice and just prior to the arrival of the largest seasonal influx of visitors to Strahan, Strahan has lost the services of a
full-time doctor;
2. A doctor will now only be in attendance at the clinic for three days per week and the surgery will be closed entirely for the
remaining four days;
3. Nursing services have been completely ceased in Strahan and will not be provided at any time during the week;
4. That this situation will have a deleterious effect on tourism numbers, negatively impacting the town; and
5. As Strahan's population can treble during summer, we believe it is essential that medical services are available to the general
population and visitors who have no means of travelling the forty-five minutes over winding road to the nearest medical centre;
And your Petitioners request that the Legislative Council strongly urge the Minister for Health to-
1. Investigate and take action to restore more regular medical services; and
2. Reinstate regular nursing care to Strahan residents and visitors.