Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Tasmanian Citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Kelly Wilton PO Box 86 Launceston 7250
Sponsor: Ivan Dean MLC
Posting Date: 7/8/2014
Closing Date: 15/9/2014
Tabled Date: 29/10/2014
Responded Minister: Hon Peter Gutwein on 24/3/2015
228 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the President and Members of the Legislative Council (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Citizens draw to the attention of the House the Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Bill 2014.
Your petitioners support the Bill for the following reasons:
(1) It supports free speech and peaceful assembly on public streets and other public places and protects workers from illegal invasion of their workplace.
(2) It protects the implied right to lawful work without illegal interference in the Australian Constitution.
(3) It proposes the creation of mandatory minimum prison sentences, that are needed in Tasmania, strengthening the relationship between community aspirations and the courts.
(4) It will lead to fair and just outcomes in individual cases protecting impacted workers that have their workplaces invaded.
(5) It will add to existing laws, including trespass and public nuisance, workplace health and safety which have failed to protect workers and businesses from illegal protest activity.
(6) It was drafted by a Government that sought an election mandate for such laws and received an overwhelming majority to implement this legislation.
Your petitioners, therefore, request that the House vote for the Bill.