Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Residents of Tasmania
Principal Petitioner:
Richard Griggs PO Box 181 New Town 7008
Sponsor: Rob Valentine MLC
Posting Date: 25/7/2014
Closing Date: 4/9/2014
Tabled Date: 29/10/2014
Responded Minister: Hon Peter Gutwein on 24/3/2015
2,493 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the President and Members of the Legislative Council (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Residents draw to the attention of the House the Workplaces (Protection from Protesters) Bill.
Your petitioners are concerned that the Bill:
1. harshly punishes free speech and peaceful assembly on public streets and other public places;
2. may contravene the implied right to political communication in the Australian Constitution;
3. proposes the creation of mandatory minimum prison sentences, which do not currently exist in Tasmania,
diminishing the separation of powers and the important checks and balances provided by independent courts;
4. will lead to unjust outcomes in individual cases because the court is prevented from tailoring the sentence to
meet the facts of the particular case;
5. duplicates existing laws, including trespass and public nuisance, which manage to govern protest activity in a
way that raises none of the above concerns;
6. was drafted in the absence of any formal public consultation process with the legal profession and other expert
or interested groups.
your petitioners, therefore, request that the House vote against the Bill.