Responded Minister: Hon Peter Gutwein on 30/10/2014
159 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the President and Members of the Legislative Council (Tasmania)
Tasmanian citizens draw to the attention of the House the growing community concern about the prospect that the glass curtain facade for the $100 million Parliament Square project may be sourced from China prefabricated. This would waste local employment opportunities and could cause significant injury or death according to a recent report of the Australian Industry Group which found imported glass and aluminium and other building products which fail to meet Australian Standards are both dangerous and widespread in the Australian construction industry.
No one should have to build, work in or walk past a building where glass might fall out or explode. In Melbourne recently (150 Collins Street) a builder responded to the concerns of the future tenant and agreed to replace the imported Chinese glass installed on the project due to quality issues associated wth it.
Your petitioners therefore, request the House to ensure that the State Government leverages its future tenancy of Parliament Square to maximise local jobs and minimise the use of sub-standard imported building products by requiring the developer (Citta Group) to ensure the builder provides for the full, fair and reasonable access to and participation of local industry in the project through:
- Consultation with local industry and unions about the needs of the project and opportunities for local jobs.
- The development and lodgement of a Tasmanian Industry Participation Plan.
- Preference of local suppliers.