Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Tasmanian Citizens
Principal Petitioner:
Georgia Allen 367 Elizabeth Street North Hobart 7000
Sponsor: Hon Rob Valentine MLC (The contents of this e-petition are not necessarily those of the sponsoring Member)
Posting Date: 30/4/2013
Closing Date: 15/6/2013
Tabled Date: 20/8/2013
Responded Minister: Hon Michelle O'Bryne on 24/9/2013
1,032 Signatures
TO: The Honourable the President and Members of the Legislative Council (Tasmania)
Tasmanian Citizens draw to the attention of the Council the Reproductive Health (Access to Terminations) Bill 2013 noting that the Bill:
1. Properly recognises the termination of pregnancy as a health matter and removes the risk of criminal sanctions for women and their medical practitioners; and
2. Shows respect for women and their families by providing women with choice in what is a very difficult decision; and
3. Respects the right of medical professionals and counsellors to have a conscientious objection to the termination of pregnancy whilst making provision so that a woman's right to access a termination is not impeded; and
4. Allows women access to medical and counselling services regarding termination of pregnancy that are not judgmental or designed to impede their access to such services if they choose that option; and
5. Protects women from public campaigns and protests that intimidate, shame or stigmatise women and instead affords them privacy and dignity at an otherwise difficult time; and
6. Contains appropriate legislative safeguards for the termination of pregnancy after 16 weeks with such safeguards being regarded as acceptable by the wider medical profession and community alike;
and in doing so call on the Council to respect the conscience of the community and ensure the passage of the Bill in its entirety.